Peace Songs For A Better
World, Volume I
© 2003 Brian Gladstone,
Will ship within 24
Peace Songs for a Better
World is an anthology of
original songs with themes
of peace. Tracks 1 - 10 on
this CD have been selected
for their excellence, among
the hundreds of submissions
we received from all over
the globe.
sales proceeds
(100%) are donated
New Songs For Peace
, a UNESCO endorsed
project. |
Peace Songs For A
Better World
is a rich,
compilation album of
English language
original songs
selected by Artists
For A Better World
from hundreds of
submissions. The
superbly crafted and
outstanding gems
presented employ a
variety of styles,
voices and musical
talents to focus
attention on the
need for peace and
understanding. With
works by eight
artists from the
U.S., five from
across Canada and
entries from Norway
and Australia, the
disc shifts tone and
tempo several times,
including poignantly
soulful ballads,
hard-edged polemics,
ironic and satirical
jabs and lilts and a
couple of tour de
force romps through
toe-tapping de facto
anthems, evoking
moods dolorous,
angry, earnestly
hopeful and
cheerful by turns.
The high production
values of each track
and evenness of the
overall sound is
unusual in a
compilation of such
Delightfully, the
songs are each
strong enough as
compositions that
you don't even have
to be a political
animal to find this
collection of tunes
both a provocative
inspiration and a
musical comfort
you'll happily enjoy
time and time again.
Peace Songs for a
Better World is an
anthology of
original songs with
themes of peace.
Tracks 1 - 10 on
this CD have been
selected for their
excellence, among
the hundreds of
submissions we
received from all
over the globe. We
express our sincere
thanks and
recognition to every
submitting artist
for making a
difference in the
world. Tracks 11 –
15 were by
invitation of the