The Association of Artists for a Better World, a non-profit organization devoted to improving our planet through artistic expression, is now accepting submissions for the fourth volume of "Songs for A Better Planet". This compilation will highlight artists in touch with current issues, and put media and press in touch with their artists. The single most significant factor to the success of an emerging artist is industry exposure.
All proceeds from CD sales will be donated to Gulf Restoration Network, who has been committed to protecting and preserving the natural resources of the Gulf of Mexico for over 15 years.
8 Winners will receive world-wide exposure including distribution, publicity, promotion, and recognition. Selected artists will be featured on the CD, given full liner credits including contact and website information, plus the following:
Although there are no guarantees, it is reasonable to expect the CD to get airplay around the world, and reviewed in music publications and Ezines. It is also reasonable to expect you will get requests for your CDs from interested DJs and journalists who like your tune. It is customary for DJs / stations to send play lists directly to artists. All of their previous CDs have received world-wide airplay and global acclaim!
'Songs for A Better Planet' will be distributed for airplay to over 200 radio stations (BY REQUEST ONLY) in their global pipeline located throughout North America, Europe, and Australia, including Internet stations; and review copies distributed to selected major publications and music journalists for review in their publications.
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